Cultural Capital: The miracle of the milonga

I’m building a web site to present the ideas that I imagine. Since my pastimes at Shedville, digging holes and splitting wood, have been passed on to a new Occupier, I am at loose ends and will fill some part of my days in Chiang Mai, Thailand, puttering with web pages that reflect my preoccupations with collapse and politics.

The immigrants who came to Buenos Aires and created the world of Tango where men and women gather together in safety to trust themselves to each other and dance — are my inspiration.

I’ve created a set of PAGES that reflect ideas I would like to see a world wide community put into action. The very first approximation of those pages is listed below and I’ve made a few notes next to some titles. I’ll explore and expand. Some pages are empty now.

The pages of World Tango Party will be my project.

This post is also a way of saying Hello to web site/bloggers who I watch and enjoy. Often I want to comment in extended form on what they post.

1. Automatic Earth and Raul Ilargi with today’s post on Beppe Grillo — in a way I’m most immediately moved to imagine the World Tango Party by the internet activation of the 5 Star Movement. Where is the follow on activity of their success????

2. Jesse’s Cafe Americain

3. Ran Prieur

4. Lambert Strether of Corrente and The 12-point platform and Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism

5.  Ugo Bardi, Cassandra Legacy,

We are over the cliff, hanging on to a root, animals above and below. Pick a strawberry.